Working together during COVID-19 – UPDATE

Working together during COVID-19 to focus on personal health and safety Firstly we hope that you are all well……..what a few weeks we have all endured! With the changing landscape due to COVID-19, we are all under pressure and face anxious days and nights as we work through what we can and can’t do. As […]

Coronavirus Economic Stimulus Package UPDATE

Supporting Australian workers and business The Commonwealth Government has released the second stage of its stimulus plan to cushion the economic impact of the coronavirus and help build a bridge to recovery. A total of $189 billion is being injected into the economy by all arms of Government in order to keep Australians in work […]

2020 Business Resolutions

Being accountable, sticking to plans and kicking goals I don’t know about you but running your own business can be a very lonely place. Very rarely do we have a support network around us that really understands the issues that arise, the things that keep us awake at night which consequently affects the relationships we […]

Disclosure of business tax debts

Taxation Administration (Tax Debt Information Disclosure) Declaration 2019 Following the enactment of legislation in late 2019, the ATO can disclose certain business tax debt information to external credit reporting bureaus. This information will primarily be used when issuing external creditworthiness reports in relation to relevant businesses, effectively treating tax debts in a similar manner to […]

From the desk of Justin Flavel

I am a bit of a cricket tragic And, like a lot of Aussies, I was glued to the television on “that” Sunday as Australia were beaten by a plucky England a Headingley. Right before me one man was changing the course of the game and ultimately changing history whilst going down in cricket folklore. […]

Numbers should tell a story

Money is a tricky topic for a lot of business owners There’s the matter of how to account for it, how to present it and, of course, how to raise it.  In this day and age where accounting has been made a lot easier and financial information more transparent, how should business owners approach their […]

Driver-based forecasting

Connect the Dots from Driver to Success Build accurate, responsive forecasts using key business drivers It’s easy to build forecasts based on key business drivers if you know how. We help you to choose the inputs that drive your business activity – from price and quantity, through to billable hours, head-count or even days worked. […]

ABN applications

Changes to ABN application process The ATO has made changes to the Australian Business Number (ABN) application process to help safeguard its integrity. The recent changes focus on: identifying people going through the application process multiple times confirming entitlement and helping people understand their obligations where there may be some doubt ensuring only those who […]

Cashless society

Is cash set to become a thing of the past? Some financial professionals are predicting Australians could be living in a cashless society in less than a decade. What does the potential death of cash mean for you personally and for Australian society as a whole? We explore the current trends in consumer payment behaviour […]

Cost of cybercrime

The rising cost of cybercrime Last year, more than six million consumers – one in three Australian adults – fell victim to identity theft, credit card fraud or had their passwords compromised.(1) This cost the Australian economy more than $2.3 billion, and, at an individual level, cost each victim an average of approximately $195 and […]

Justin Flavel

Managing Director

Justin’s experience spans across 20 years in accounting, financial analysis and general business practice.

Although born and bred on the land, Justin’s interest was more in spreadsheets, ledgers, and finance which led him to attend university. In 1992, Justin graduated with a Bachelor of Business majoring in Accounting and Finance. As well as qualifying as a CPA member and becoming a Fellow of the Taxation Institute of Australia, he began gaining practical experience in small and mid-tier accounting practices.

During the late 90s, Justin decided to expand his horizons and travel through Europe. It was during this time that he seized the opportunity to expand his knowledge on the workings of large organisations by taking on roles in multinational corporations.

Today, Justin’s passion is in facilitating businesses to grow and evolve. His focus is on acting in the role of business mentor to help clients develop the full potential of their businesses. He joins clients on their unique journey, and provides the tools and knowledge they need along the way to make the right decisions.

Justin’s aim for his clients parallels his own philosophy and personal journey—focusing on his own career growth and business success while maintaining balance in his life with his wife and three daughters.

Omnis Group Managing Director - Justin Flavel