Working together during COVID-19 to focus on personal health and safety
Firstly we hope that you are all well……..what a few weeks we have all endured!
With the changing landscape due to COVID-19, we are all under pressure and face anxious days and nights as we work through what we can and can’t do.
As you are aware there has been a raft of stimulus initiatives put forward by the Australian Government. You can read our summary here:
There is a lot to take in!
In order to understand what each individual needs or can access, we have meticulously gone through the options available to each of you. We will be in contact with you to discuss your options in relation to the stimulus incentives.
We look forward to assisting you in navigating your way through the toughest period in Australian business history.
Finally, since the inception of this crisis, we have been focused on ensuring our team and clients are as safe as they can be in our office.
As the changes brought on by COVID-19 rapidly changed over the weekend we have decided to move the majority of our team away from the office. The majority of Omnis Group team members will be working from home from today, Tuesday 24 March 2020.
Whilst this is not ideal, we have had extensive experience in using collaboration software such as Zoom and Teams and all of our data and software is available in the cloud. This effectively allows us to work from anywhere.
In addition, the office will be open from 8:30am to 3:00pm until we are directed by the Government that we cannot operate in this capacity anymore. We don’t know when this will be, but we expect that it will eventuate.
If you are coming to our office, please ensure we know you are coming so we can discuss the strict interaction requirements that will be in place.
If you need our assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us via our office number 08 9380 3555 or via email as usual.
Finally, to all of our clients, team, families and friends, please stay safe, look after yourself and each other and together we will come out the other side bigger and better than what we are now.
Take Care!