Mentoring, values and purpose
From the desk of Justin Flavel Deep diving on values and purpose to define how we engage with our world and shape how and what we deliver. After writing my last article on 2020 Business Resolutions, I walked the talk and met with my mentor and sounding board to discuss my own business ideas. A […]
Business Focus on Real Estate Agencies
What the changing business landscape means for real estate It’s a fact that our business environment is changing significantly, and the real estate sector is no exception. Pick up any newspaper and you’ll read headlines like, “Basically the minimum wage: What real estate agents really earn”, “King Kong Signs Real Estate Disrupter Purplebricks”, or “Why real estate agents suffer […]
Minimum Wage Decision
National Minimum Wage increase The Fair Work Commission’s Minimum Wage Panel (“Panel”) has this week handed down its minimum wage decision which increased the National Minimum Wage, together with all Modern Award minimum rates of pay, by 3.0%. The Panel considered the current economic environment and reasoned that economic indicators now point to a healthy […]
Chief Financial Officer Program
Stressed by a lack of accurate financial information? Predicting the financial future of your business is not easy. Most businesses understand the need to price their products or services so they cover costs and make a profit. Understanding your business’s fixed and variable expenses is the first step in performing a break-even analysis. What sets […]
Omnis Group’s CFO Program
Sleep better at night knowing your numbers are right! A lack of accurate financial information is a major cause of stress and concern for business owners and their families. Appointing a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in your business is one way to fix this problem, but many small businesses can’t afford a full time, experienced […]
The Power of Business Intelligence
The power of business intelligence for business owners is just now being fully realised There’s a massive quantity of data in various systems, financial and non-financial, that’s now available via cloud software. Tools for accountants exist to harness that data, process it, capture it in a visual and useful way and present that in a […]
Measuring customer satisfaction
Differentiate your business by the way you treat and serve your customers Happy customers are much more likely to stay with your business long-term, and they’re also likely to provide you with referrals – one of your best methods of acquisition. This makes knowing the satisfaction of your customers pivotal if you have ambitions to grow. While there is […]
Getting your business ready for a new Financial Year
The new financial year is a good time to pause and review How have the past twelve months gone for your business? It’s also a great time to look for ways to plan and forecast the coming months ahead. We’ve put together some guidance on how you can utilise Omnis Group to review the previous financial year […]
14 Key Performance Indicators that matter
Identifying what to watch 14 Key Performance Indicators that matter As a business owner, it is your responsibility to pay attention to every detail of the business. From employee satisfaction to growth indicators, you need to be on top of how your company is performing at every turn. That’s why 14 entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) were […]