Changes to deductions this tax time
Changes to deductions this tax time Taxpayers who are small business owners operating from home, or who use a vehicle for business purposes, need to be aware of some changes when claiming deductions this tax time, including the following. Cents-per-kilometre method – The cents-per-kilometre method for claiming car expenses increased from 72 cents to 78 […]
Home office expenses rate extension
Shortcut rate for claiming home office expenses extended The ATO has again extended the ability to utilise the ‘shortcut rate’ for claiming home office running expenses to 30 June 2021. It previously only applied until 31 December 2020. The ATO’s guideline allows certain taxpayers to claim a fixed rate per hour (80 cents per hour) […]
Simplified home office expense deduction claims due to COVID-19
Update to ATO home office expense deduction claims Given that many Australians continue to work from home due to COVID-19, the ATO has updated its Practical Compliance Guideline. The Practical Compliance Guideline now allows taxpayers working from home to claim a rate of 80 cents per hour, by keeping a record of the number of […]
80c per hour ‘shortcut’ method for home office expenses extended
Work-related expenses Back in April 2020 the ATO announced that a ‘shortcut’ method was to be made available to use from 1 March 2020 until 30 June 2020 for individuals claiming home office expenses due to COVID-19. The ATO recently announced an extension of this shortcut method to also include 1 July 2020 to 30 […]
Shortcut method to claim deductions if working from home
As the situation around COVID-19 continues to develop, the ATO understands many employees are now working from home To make it easier when claiming a deduction for additional running costs you incur as a result of working from home, special arrangements have been announced. A simplified method has been introduced that allows you to claim […]
Shortcut method for claiming home office running costs
ATO announces shortcut method for claiming home office running costs The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has announced a temporary simplified short cut method to make it easier for individual taxpayers to claim deductions for additional running expenses incurred as a result of working from home due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Based on the announcement, the […]
Company or trust home-based business deductions
Deductions for a company or trust home-based business The ATO reminds taxpayers that, if they run their home-based business as a company or trust, their business should have a genuine, market-rate rental contract (or similar agreement) with the owner of the property. The agreement will determine which expenses the business pays for and can claim […]