New ATO guidance on “who is an employee?”
ATO Clarifies Definition of ‘Employee’ for PAYG Withholding Purposes New Ruling Provides Guidance on Determining Employment Status The ATO recently issued a ruling which explains when an individual is an ’employee’ of an entity for pay as you go (‘PAYG’) withholding purposes. A useful approach for establishing whether or not a worker is an employee […]
Talking tax with new workers
Completing a tax file number declaration The ATO is reminding employers that have taken on new employees that those employees can complete a TFN declaration through ATO online services, and that this is an easy way for them to provide both their employer and the ATO with the information needed. If a new employee has […]
Register for JobMaker Hiring Credit
Time running out to register for the JobMaker Hiring Credit The JobMaker Hiring Credit scheme’s third claim period is now open. If a taxpayer has taken on additional eligible employees since 7 October 2020, they may be able to claim JobMaker Hiring Credit payments for their business. Eligible businesses can receive up to: $10,400 over […]
STP data-sharing with Services Australia
Single Touch Payroll (STP) allows the ATO to share data in real-time with other government agencies The purpose is to “help them deliver government services to the Australian community”. As part of the ATO’s data-matching program, it has a STP data-sharing arrangement with Services Australia to help them administer Australia’s welfare system. This means that […]
JobMaker Hiring Credit passed
The government has passed legislation to establish the JobMaker Hiring Credit It is part of the government’s economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The JobMaker Hiring Credit is specifically designed to encourage businesses to take on additional young employees and increase employment. It does this by providing employers with a fixed amount of $200 per […]
Shortcut method to claim deductions if working from home
As the situation around COVID-19 continues to develop, the ATO understands many employees are now working from home To make it easier when claiming a deduction for additional running costs you incur as a result of working from home, special arrangements have been announced. A simplified method has been introduced that allows you to claim […]
Coronavirus Jobkeeper Payment
Federal Government offers $130b in coronavirus wage subsidies for businesses to pay workers The Government has announced a $130 billion JobKeeper payment to help keep more Australians in jobs and support businesses affected by the significant economic impact caused by the Coronavirus. Around 6 million workers will receive a fortnightly payment of $1,500 (before tax) […]
Fair Work Commission unfair dismissal case
The case of the Uber driver not an ’employee’ Although this was not a tax case, it may be of interest to anyone involved in the ‘gig economy’, with flow-on implications for other employment issues, such as super guarantee. In a recent case, an Uber driver’s access to the Uber app had been terminated as a result of […]
Xero Small Business Insights April
Small business health upswing as payments, hiring improve February’s numbers are in – late payments and casual employment improve while cash flow worse. That suggests cyclical movements in Australian small business are on track to repeat themselves in 2018. While tighter cash flow is nothing to cheer about, the historical data suggests small businesses’ health will […]