Reminder of December 2024 Quarter Super Guarantee
Superannuation Deadline ‘SG’ Approaching Don’t Miss the 28 January Cut-Off Ensure Compliance with the 11.5% SG Rate to Avoid Penalties and Interest Employers are reminded that employee superannuation contributions for the quarter ending 31 December 2024 must be received by the relevant super funds by 28 January 2025. If the correct amount of SG is […]
Christmas Parties and Gifts December 2024
Year-end (and other) staff parties With the well-earned December/January holiday season on the way, many employers will be planning to reward staff with a celebratory party or event. However, there are important issues to consider, including the possible FBT and income tax implications of providing ‘entertainment’ (including Christmas parties) to staff and clients. FBT and […]
FBT on plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
Changes to FBT Exemptions for Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles Starting April 2025 Employers must have binding agreements in place to retain FBT exemptions for PHEVs, with new restrictions on eligibility for electric car exemptions. From 1 April 2025, a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (‘PHEV’) will not be considered a zero or low emissions vehicle under fringe […]
Could your staff celebration attract FBT?
Consider if fringe benefits tax (FBT) may apply or you could end up with an unexpected FBT liability. With the holiday season kicking off, you may be planning a celebration with your staff. Before you hire a restaurant or book an event, make sure you work out if the benefits you provide your employees are […]
Taxpayer unsuccessful in having excess contributions reallocated
AAT Decision on Excess Concessional Contributions Tax Taxpayer’s Liability Upheld for Contributions Exceeding Cap Despite Lack of Employer Agreement The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (‘AAT’) recently held that a taxpayer was liable to pay excess concessional contributions tax in relation to contributions made on his behalf by his employer. In the 2021 income year, the taxpayer’s […]
Christmas parties and gifts
Common entertainment scenarios for business How FBT applies to businesses for Christmas parties If your business holds a Christmas party: on a working day, on your business premises, and only for your current employees, you don’t pay fringe benefits tax (FBT) for the food and drink off your business premises, or the party includes associates […]
Claiming GST credits for employee expense reimbursements
Claiming GST credits for employee expense reimbursements Employers may be entitled to claim GST input tax credits for payments they have made to reimburse employees for expenses that are directly related to their business activities. A ‘reimbursement’ is provided when a taxpayer pays their employee the amount, or part of the amount, of a particular […]
New Paid DV Leave arrives for SMB employees 1 August
Paid domestic violence leave entitlements for small business employees Small businesses across Australia are facing a new challenge as they prepare for the implementation of paid domestic violence leave entitlements starting 1 August 2023. This new policy grants employees up to ten paid days off during a twelve-month period to address family and domestic violence […]
1 July changes
Changes for business owners There are legal, financial, and other changes your business will have to be across very soon. Not sure what they are or what to do? Don’t worry, we have you covered. It’s been a big year for changes in areas like people management, pay and tax. Here’s a rundown of some […]
Super health check
Use this checklist to review the health of your super in 5 easy steps Getting started The best way to perform these checks is either on ATO online services through myGov or by contacting your super advisor directly You need a myGov account linked to the ATO Once you link your myGov account, you can also use […]