ATO property data-matching programs
New ATO data-matching programs involving property The ATO has advised that it will engage in two new data-matching programs dealing with property transactions, as follows: The ATO will acquire property management data from property management software providers for the 2018/19 through to 2022/23 financial years (relating to approximately 1.6 million individuals); and The ATO will […]
New ‘gig’ economy reporting
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook The MYEFO announced the Government’s intention to implement a new third party reporting regime for the sharing economy. Treasury released its Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (‘MYEFO’) for 2019/20 forecasting a surplus of approximately $5 billion. The new reporting regime will apply to businesses who operate via online platforms within […]
Lifestyle assets continue to be an ATO audit target
Lifestyle assets targeted The ATO has revealed it will request a further five years’ worth of policy information from over 30 insurance companies about taxpayers who own marine vessels, thoroughbred horses, fine art, high-value motor vehicles and aircraft. The ATO expects to receive information about assets owned by around 350,000 taxpayers from 2016 to 2020 […]
Reporting asset disposals for CGT
ATO’s data-matching capabilities increase Close attention being paid to capital gains made on shares, property and cryptocurrency. Therefore, it’s important to let us know about any asset disposals (which can include an asset’s sale, loss or destruction) and to keep records relating to CGT events, including asset disposals, for at least five years after the […]
Transferred or newly registered vehicle data matching
Motor vehicle registries data matching program protocol The ATO will match the data provided by the State and Territory motor vehicle registering authorities against the ATO’s taxpayer records with the objective of identifying those who may not be meeting their registration, reporting, lodgment and payment obligations. Details will be requested where records indicate a vehicle […]
Tax housekeeping
Private health insurance statements now optional Taxpayers with private health insurance should be aware that insurance providers are no longer required to provide statements to their members. Taxpayers lodging their tax returns using a registered tax agent should have their health insurance details ‘pre-filled’ into their return (but they will need to contact their health […]
Data matching cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency data matching program The ATO is collecting bulk records from Australian cryptocurrency designated service providers (‘DSPs’) as part of a data matching program to ensure people trading in cryptocurrency are paying the right amount of tax, and correctly meeting their tax (and superannuation) obligations. The ATO will collect data from cryptocurrency DSPs to identify […]
Latest ATO benchmarks released
ATO has released updated benchmark data from 1.5M small businesses around Australia To “help small businesses across the country . . . gauge the strength of their business and keep an eye on their competition”. Updated benchmarks for more than 100 industries are now available for the following categories: Accommodation and food Building and construction […]
ATO data matching of share transactions
Share transactions – 20 Sep 1985 to 30 Jun 2018 data matching program protocol (amended) At a glance Program objectives The purpose of the ATO’s data matching program is to ensure that taxpayers are correctly meeting their taxation obligations in relation to share transactions. These obligations include registration, lodgment, reporting and payment responsibilities. As taxpayers can hold shares for […]
Data matching and share transactions
ATO data matching and share transactions The ATO has extended its data matching program, this time focusing on share data. The ATO will continue to receive share data from ASIC, including details of the price, quantity and time of individual trades dating back to 2014, with more than 500 million records obtained. The ATO will […]