Data matching and share transactions
ATO data matching and share transactions The ATO has extended its data matching program, this time focusing on share data. The ATO will continue to receive share data from ASIC, including details of the price, quantity and time of individual trades dating back to 2014, with more than 500 million records obtained. The ATO will […]
Transacting with cryptocurrency With interest in cryptocurrencies (such as Bitcoin) increasing, the ATO has issued guidance regarding various tax consequences of transactions involving cryptocurrencies. Any capital gains made on the disposal of a cryptocurrency (including using the cryptocurrency or converting it to Australian dollars) may be taxed, although certain capital gains or losses from disposing […]
Super rates and thresholds
New superannuation rates and thresholds released The ATO has published key super rates and thresholds for the 2018/19 income year. The Non-Concessional Contributions cap will remain at $100,000 (although transitional arrangements may apply), and the Concessional Contributions cap will remain at $25,000. The CGT cap amount will be $1,480,000. The Division 293 tax threshold will be […]
Healthcare practitioners
Lump sum payments for healthcare practitioners If you are a healthcare practitioner, you may receive lump-sum payments. It is important to know how to treat these correctly when received. As part of the ATO’s work on the Tax Avoidance Taskforce, they see a number of arrangements in the healthcare services industry where a lump sum payment is made and […]
Big changes proposed to eligibility for the CGT SBCs
Treasurer has released draft legislation containing new “integrity improvements” to CGT small business concessions (SBCs) Includes the 15-year exemption, the retirement exemption, the 50% active asset reduction and the small business roll-over. Due to the government’s “continued support for genuine small business taxpayers”, it proposes making amendments so that the CGT SBCs can only be accessed […]