From the desk of Justin Flavel, Spring 2020
The business market is extremely odd; some industries definitely need the extended JobKeeper payment whilst others are having record months. It has been a challenging period for all over the last 6 months and we believe it is going to be an unstable environment for many months still to come. If your business has not […]
OMNIBUSiness Tax Planning Edition
May’s Federal Budget has been postponed but it’s still tax time. We hope that you’re well and starting to develop strategies for your business to emerge from the COVID-19 coronavirus lockdowns reinvigorated! Many of our clients have availed themselves of the opportunity of asking us to perform a wider range of duties over recent months […]
Sustaining your business through COVID-19
What a month it has been! As soon as we thought we were on top of coronavirus, things changed and didn’t they change rapidly! The effect of COVID-19 has had a massive financial impact on all of us in some way and I fear that the impact of the virus will have an even greater […]
Working together during COVID-19 – UPDATE
Working together during COVID-19 to focus on personal health and safety Firstly we hope that you are all well……..what a few weeks we have all endured! With the changing landscape due to COVID-19, we are all under pressure and face anxious days and nights as we work through what we can and can’t do. As […]
2020 Business Resolutions
Being accountable, sticking to plans and kicking goals I don’t know about you but running your own business can be a very lonely place. Very rarely do we have a support network around us that really understands the issues that arise, the things that keep us awake at night which consequently affects the relationships we […]
Farewell FY19; welcome FY20
From the desk of Justin Flavel Another end of financial year is upon us and it’s not uncommon to reflect, especially on how quickly and dynamically decisions are now made. Timely example It has been an amazing start to winter here and I went for a long walk with my wife. Whilst we were out […]
Legal practice management case study
Boutique law firm benefits from Omnis advice Perth’s Glen McLeod Legal is a planning and environmental law practice that provides authoritative and strategic advice and conducts significant litigation for clients in the Supreme Court, Magistrates Court, State Administrative Tribunal and commercial arbitration. Their highly specialised team provides legal advice on planning and environmental law, in […]
Better Business Program
Are business concerns worrying you? If you are feeling uneasy about how your business is running, it’s important to pinpoint the reasons and get help to fix them so you can focus on growing your business. Omnis Group’s Better Business Program is a flexible, informative and practical service designed to help business owners identify where […]
Improving business performance
10 ways to improve business performance Here are ten ways to make sure that you operate with purpose, vision and courage. You can super-charge your business and improve the performance of it! 1. ELIMINATE DISTRACTIONS Time is the scarcest resource and biggest killer of most businesses. Owners get distracted and focus too much time and energy […]
Getting your business ready for a new Financial Year
The new financial year is a good time to pause and review How have the past twelve months gone for your business? It’s also a great time to look for ways to plan and forecast the coming months ahead. We’ve put together some guidance on how you can utilise Omnis Group to review the previous financial year […]