ATO reminder about family trust elections

Family Trust Elections: Key Considerations for Trustees Understand the Benefits, Risks, and Family Group Implications to Avoid Costly Taxes Taxpayers may be considering whether they should make a family trust election (‘FTE’) for a trust, or an interposed entity election (‘IEE’) for a trust or other entity. Making an FTE provides access to certain tax […]
ATO’s notice of government payments data-matching program
ATO to Collect Government Payments Data for Enhanced Compliance Data matching for 2024–2026 will track payments to 60,000 service providers annually, improving tax transparency and accuracy. The ATO will acquire government payments data from government entities which administer government programs for the 2024 to 2026 income years, matching data on government payments made to service […]
Receiving payments or assets from foreign trusts
Foreign Trust Payments: Potential Tax Liabilities for Beneficiaries Understanding When Foreign Trust Distributions Must Be Included in Assessable Income Additional tax liabilities may arise when money or assets of a foreign trust are paid to a taxpayer or applied for their benefit, and they are a beneficiary of the foreign trust. These can include: loans […]
What laws do SMSFs need to adhere to?
Navigating the Legal Landscape: Responsibilities of SMSF Trustees Understanding the Legislative Framework and Compliance Obligations for Self-Managed Super Funds As a trustee of a self-managed super fund (SMSF) there are responsibilities and rules you must follow. At the most fundamental level, you need to make sure your SMSF is functioning under the relevant laws. As a type of superannuation fund, trustees […]
Taxpayers able to apply CGT small business concessions
AAT Ruling on CGT Small Business Concessions Trust Eligible to Reduce Capital Gain to Nil Amid Valuation Dispute with the ATO The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (‘AAT’) recently held that a trust was entitled to apply the CGT small business concessions and, therefore, it could reduce a capital gain it made down to nil. In March […]
Family trust elections and interposed entity elections
Understanding Family Trust Distribution Tax Key Considerations for Trustees and Entities to Avoid 47% FTDT on Distributions Outside the Family Group. Family trust distribution tax (‘FTDT’) is a special, 47%, tax sometimes payable by a trustee, director or partner. It applies when a trust has made a family trust election (‘FTE’), or an entity has […]
Care required in paying super benefits
Navigating SMSF Benefit Payments: Rules and Risks for Trustees Ensuring Compliance and Minimizing Penalties in Superannuation Benefit Distributions Generally, before SMSF trustees pay a member’s super benefits, they need to ensure that: the member has reached their preservation age; the member has met one of the conditions of release; and the governing rules of the […]
ATO advice regarding year-end trustee resolutions
5 Tips for trustee resolution compliance The ATO has advised that, in the lead-up to 30 June, trustee clients who wish to make beneficiaries presently entitled to trust income for the 2023 income year should ensure their trustee resolutions are effective. This includes where trustees may want to make beneficiaries ‘specifically entitled’ to franked dividends […]
Discretionary trusts and corporate beneficiaries
Tax treatment of deemed dividends When a trustee of a trust makes a decision to create an entitlement to income of the trust in favour of a corporate beneficiary (i.e., a privately held company), certain steps need to be taken to ensure that if the entitlement to the distribution remains unpaid (that is, no cash […]
Decision in disclaiming interest in trust distribution
High Court rejects attempt to disclaim interest in trust distribution The High Court has rejected a taxpayer’s attempt to disclaim an interest in trust income that arose as a result of a default beneficiary clause being triggered. This decision is significant, because it backs the proposition that disclaimers of trust income cannot be effective if […]