2018/19 Federal Budget
2018 Federal Budget Update Quick links Changes affecting business taxpayers Superannuation related changes Changes affecting companies Other changes Personal income tax changes Personal income tax plan The Government will introduce a seven-year, three-step, Personal Income Tax Plan, as follows: Step 1: Targeted tax relief to low and middle income earners The Government will introduce the […]
Meet Senior Accountant, Daniel Carlino CPA
Daniel Carlino CPA Omnis Group Senior Accountant As a Certified Practising Accountant, Daniel Carlino manages Omnis Group’s clients by reviewing Business Activity Statements, financial accounts and income tax returns for individuals, partnerships, trusts and companies. He has a strong understanding of how best to work with small and medium enterprise, likely because Daniel hails from […]
Healthcare practitioners
Lump sum payments for healthcare practitioners If you are a healthcare practitioner, you may receive lump-sum payments. It is important to know how to treat these correctly when received. As part of the ATO’s work on the Tax Avoidance Taskforce, they see a number of arrangements in the healthcare services industry where a lump sum payment is made and […]
Peta Berry, Manager SMSF Solutions
Meet Omnis Group Manager, Peta Berry Working across Omnis Group’s Accounting and Financial Planning businesses, Accountant Peta Berry has a strong background in self-managed super fund (SMSF) accounting and administration. She joined Omnis Group in 2008 to run the SMSF Solutions Department, specialising in: SMSF Administration SMSF Preparation of Annual Financial Statements & Tax Returns SMSF […]
Entertainment and fringe benefits
The provision of entertainment means the provision of: entertainment by way of food, drink or recreation accommodation or travel in connection with, such entertainment. Entertainment includes, for example: meals and drinks, cocktail parties and staff social functions sporting or theatrical events, sightseeing tours and holidays entertaining employees and non-employees (for example, clients) over a weekend […]
A super opportunity
Super is one of the most tax-effective ways to save. You could be thousands of dollars better off by making ‘concessional contributions’, into your super – and, putting more money into your super now, could make a big difference to your retirement lifestyle later. Make the most of your before-tax contributions Concessional contributions are contributions […]
Meet Senior Financial Planner Daniel Morcombe
About Daniel Omnis Group’s Daniel Morcombe is an experienced financial planner and personal risk advisor who helps business owners, medical specialists and retirees to manage their often complex financial affairs to build and protect their wealth so they may enjoy a life of financial security and choice. Daniel’s clients share key characteristics; as business owners […]