Individual car expenses
ATO updates ‘cents per kilometre’ rate for individuals The ATO has updated the cents per kilometre rate relating to individual car expenses for the 2023 income year to 78 cents per business kilometre. The cents per kilometre method: uses a set rate for each kilometre travelled for business; allows taxpayers to claim a maximum of […]
SG contribution due date for June 2022 quarter
Super guarantee contribution due date for June 2022 quarter The due date for employers to make super guarantee contributions for their employees for the June 2022 quarter is 28 July 2022. Note that the super guarantee rate in relation to salary and wages paid on or before 30 June 2022 is 10%. Employers that do […]
2021/22 Individual Tax Return Checklist
Tax saving strategies prior to 1 July 2022 Your Checklist Claims for deductions Receipts for deductions Car claims and log books Please review the information below and contact our office if you need assistance. A strategy often used to reduce taxable income (and, in turn, tax payable) in an income year is to bring forward […]
2021/22 Year-end Checklist for Business
Small Business Entities Tax Checklist Traditionally, year-end tax planning for profitable small businesses is based around accelerating deductions and deferring income. Small Business Entities (‘SBEs’) – i.e. those with an aggregated turnover of less than $10 million – often have greater tax planning opportunities compared to other businesses, due to certain concessions generally only applying […]
2022-2023 Budget Measures that are now law
Low and Middle Income Tax Offset A measure that will no doubt be beneficial for individual taxpayers is the increase in the Low and Middle Income Tax Offset (‘LMITO’) for the 2022 income year by $420. The LMITO is a tax offset that reduces an individual taxpayer’s tax liability. This means that the maximum amount […]
2022/23 Federal Budget
Federal Budget Highlights In this summary: Personal income tax changes (please scroll down) Changes affecting business taxpayers Other Budget announcements 1. Personal income tax changes 1.1 Increase to low and middle income tax offset (‘LMITO’) The Government has announced a once-off $420 ‘cost of living tax offset’ for the 2022 income year, which will be […]
2020/21 Individual Tax Return Checklist
Tax saving strategies prior to 1 July 2021 A strategy often used to reduce taxable income (and, in turn, tax payable) in an income year is to bring forward any expected or planned deductible expenditure from a later income year. However, in light of the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, any tax planning for […]
Work related expenses reminder
ATO warns on ‘copy/pasting’ claims The ATO is alerting taxpayers that its sights are set on work-related expenses like car and travel claims that are predicted to decrease in this year’s tax returns. Assistant Commissioner Tim Loh noted that COVID-19 has changed people’s work habits, so the ATO expects their work-related expenses will reflect this. […]
2020/21 Year-end Checklist for Business
Traditionally, year-end tax planning for small businesses is based around accelerating deductions and deferring income However, this year, consideration will also need to be given to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Small Business Entities (‘SBEs’) – i.e., those with an aggregated turnover of less than $10 million – often have greater tax planning opportunities […]
2021/22 Federal Budget
Omnis Group Federal Budget Summary 2021/22 Key points covered by this summary: Personal income tax changes Changes affecting business taxpayers Superannuation related changes 1. Personal income tax changes 1.1 Retaining the Low and Middle Income Tax Offset (‘LMITO’) for the 2022 income year The Government has announced that it will retain the LMITO for one […]