Reminder of December 2024 Quarter Super Guarantee
Superannuation Deadline ‘SG’ Approaching Don’t Miss the 28 January Cut-Off Ensure Compliance with the 11.5% SG Rate to Avoid Penalties and Interest Employers are reminded that employee superannuation contributions for the quarter ending 31 December 2024 must be received by the relevant super funds by 28 January 2025. If the correct amount of SG is […]
Eligibility for compassionate release of superannuation
Early Release of Super on Compassionate Grounds: Eligibility and Conditions The ATO outlines strict criteria for accessing super funds early, covering medical, disability, palliative, funeral and foreclosure-related expenses. The ATO has been responsible for the administration of the early release of superannuation on compassionate grounds since 1 July 2018. It will only approve a release […]
Could your staff celebration attract FBT?
Consider if fringe benefits tax (FBT) may apply or you could end up with an unexpected FBT liability. With the holiday season kicking off, you may be planning a celebration with your staff. Before you hire a restaurant or book an event, make sure you work out if the benefits you provide your employees are […]
What laws do SMSFs need to adhere to?
Navigating the Legal Landscape: Responsibilities of SMSF Trustees Understanding the Legislative Framework and Compliance Obligations for Self-Managed Super Funds As a trustee of a self-managed super fund (SMSF) there are responsibilities and rules you must follow. At the most fundamental level, you need to make sure your SMSF is functioning under the relevant laws. As a type of superannuation fund, trustees […]
Taxpayer unsuccessful in having excess contributions reallocated
AAT Decision on Excess Concessional Contributions Tax Taxpayer’s Liability Upheld for Contributions Exceeding Cap Despite Lack of Employer Agreement The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (‘AAT’) recently held that a taxpayer was liable to pay excess concessional contributions tax in relation to contributions made on his behalf by his employer. In the 2021 income year, the taxpayer’s […]
Illegal early access to super
Beware of Illegal Early Super Access Schemes ATO Warns Against Promoters Exploiting Super Funds for Non-Retirement Purposes Faced with tough times, some people may be thinking about accessing their super early. Taxpayers may have been approached by someone (a ‘promoter’) claiming that members of super funds can withdraw their super or use an SMSF to […]
Super contribution caps to rise
Prepare for Changes as Concessional and Non-Concessional Caps Rise What You Need to Know for 2025 The big news story for those contributing to super is that the contribution caps are set to increase from the 2025 income year. The concessional contribution cap will increase from $27,500 to $30,000. This ‘CC’ cap is broadly applicable […]
Contributions caps increase July 1
Contribution caps to increase from 1 July 2024 Following the release of the latest Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings (AWOTE) index, the expected increase to the contribution caps from 1 July 2024 has been confirmed. As a result, from 1 July 2024: The standard Concessional contribution cap will increase from $27,500 to $30,0001. The Non-concessional […]
ATO warning regarding prohibited SMSF loans
Navigating Superannuation Compliance ATO’s Focus on Loans to SMSF Members Loans to members continue to be the highest reported contravention of the superannuation laws that the ATO sees in auditor contravention reports. SMSF trustees should remember that they cannot loan money or provide other forms of financial assistance to a member or relative, and if […]
Care required in paying super benefits
Navigating SMSF Benefit Payments: Rules and Risks for Trustees Ensuring Compliance and Minimizing Penalties in Superannuation Benefit Distributions Generally, before SMSF trustees pay a member’s super benefits, they need to ensure that: the member has reached their preservation age; the member has met one of the conditions of release; and the governing rules of the […]