Register for JobMaker Hiring Credit
Time running out to register for the JobMaker Hiring Credit The JobMaker Hiring Credit scheme’s third claim period is now open. If a taxpayer has taken on additional eligible employees since 7 October 2020, they may be able to claim JobMaker Hiring Credit payments for their business. Eligible businesses can receive up to: $10,400 over […]
Common business errors at tax time
Avoiding small business tax time errors The most common errors small businesses make when completing their tax returns are failing to: declare all income account for private use of business funds or assets keep all required records or have adequate record-keeping systems. To avoid making errors this tax time, first ask yourself if you have: […]
Cryptocurrency tax obligations
Cryptocurrency under the microscope this tax time The ATO is concerned that many taxpayers believe their cryptocurrency gains are tax-free, or only taxable when the holdings are cashed back into Australian dollars. ATO data analysis shows a dramatic increase in trading since the beginning of 2020, and has estimated that there are over 600,000 taxpayers […]
2020/21 Year-end Checklist for Business
Traditionally, year-end tax planning for small businesses is based around accelerating deductions and deferring income However, this year, consideration will also need to be given to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Small Business Entities (‘SBEs’) – i.e., those with an aggregated turnover of less than $10 million – often have greater tax planning opportunities […]
2021/22 Federal Budget
Omnis Group Federal Budget Summary 2021/22 Key points covered by this summary: Personal income tax changes Changes affecting business taxpayers Superannuation related changes 1. Personal income tax changes 1.1 Retaining the Low and Middle Income Tax Offset (‘LMITO’) for the 2022 income year The Government has announced that it will retain the LMITO for one […]
Company tax changes
Changes to company tax rates There are changes to the company tax rates. The full company tax rate is 30% and the lower company tax rate is 27.5%. The ATO has outlined when to apply the lower rate and how to work out franking credits. Company tax rates apply to: companies corporate unit trusts public […]
New measures in 2021
New measures applied from 1 January 2021 The Government has provided an update of a number of new measures which came into effect from 1 January 2021. They include (among others): The most significant changes to Australia’s insolvency framework in 30 years, which are intended to reduce costs, cut red tape and help more small […]
2020/21 Federal Budget Summary
Omnis Group Federal Budget Summary 2020/21 Key points Changes to personal income tax rates Expanding access to Small Business Tax Concessions JobMaker Hiring Credit Uncapped immediate write-off for depreciable assets Temporary loss carry back for eligible companies Reducing the compliance burden of FBT recordkeeping 1. Personal income tax changes 1.1 Changes to personal income tax […]
JobKeeper audits underway
First reports of ATO audits lands one small business in debt Imagine going through all the rigmarole to apply for JobKeeper when COVID-19 restrictions were rife, only to have your application rejected months later by Tax Office auditors? That is what has now happened to one small business owner in Melbourne who took a DIY […]
Proposed new record-keeping course
MYEFO – 2019/20 Treasury has released its Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (‘MYEFO’) for 2019/20 forecasting a surplus of approximately $5 billion. One new tax-related measure of note in the MYEFO was the announcement the ATO would be provided with a new discretion to direct taxpayers (found to be lacking in their substantiation efforts under […]