Better Business Program
Are business concerns worrying you? If you are feeling uneasy about how your business is running, it’s important to pinpoint the reasons and get help to fix them so you can focus on growing your business. Omnis Group’s Better Business Program is a flexible, informative and practical service designed to help business owners identify where […]
Re-weighting your risk
Portfolio re-weighting is an essential risk management process that every investor should use But what is portfolio re-weighting and why should you do it? What is ‘portfolio weighting’? Portfolio weighting describes the percentage of an investment in a portfolio – usually by asset class. For example, a typical balanced fund will have around a 60 […]
Notifiable Data Breaches scheme
Notifiable Data Breaches scheme starts 22 Feb 2018 Robust data security was legislated in Australia under the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017, which makes it mandatory for businesses to report eligible data breaches from 22 February 2018. Under the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme, businesses need to notify individuals and the Australian Privacy Commissioner in the […]
Risk for all shapes and sizes
Risk and investing are intrinsically linked In fact, risk is defined as the chance you will lose money on an investment – however, crucially it is also the driver for making money. As all investments come with varying degrees of risk, it is important to recognise your appetite for risk and build a portfolio that […]
Meet Senior Financial Planner Daniel Morcombe
About Daniel Omnis Group’s Daniel Morcombe is an experienced financial planner and personal risk advisor who helps business owners, medical specialists and retirees to manage their often complex financial affairs to build and protect their wealth so they may enjoy a life of financial security and choice. Daniel’s clients share key characteristics; as business owners […]