Perth dentist case study
Financial Planning expertise adds polish to Perth dentist’s affairs Shelley’s experience was like many others when it came to organising her personal affairs. She’d found a financial adviser with whom she worked well but, when he inevitably left for greener pastures, she was offered a litany of replacements that changed too frequently for her liking. […]
Omnis retirement planning case study
Structuring retirement planning reaps results for former ‘do it yourselfer’ Retiree Ross led a varied and interesting career – from jumping out of army helicopters, to being a ski instructor and owning his own business – he’s never done things by halves. So when it came to selling his mum’s home and finalising her estate, […]
Mythbusting super
5 super myths explained Although most of us have money in super, there are still some myths and misconceptions surrounding it. Myth 1: Super is a form of tax It’s understandable that some people think super is a form of tax. After all, you’re likely to see super payments on your payslip near the amount […]
Retirement planning case study
Projected benefits of putting extra savings into super Age 40 Starting balance $100,000 Income of $100,000 per year As shown in the above case study, putting an extra 6 per cent of your pre-tax income into your super each year could leave you significantly better […]
Age pension age increase
Did you know the age pension age is increasing? The age pension age is increasing to 67 which could have a significant impact on the retirement plans for many Australians. The age you are eligible to receive age pension payments from the Government, depends on your date of birth. That is, the age pension age […]
Downsizer contributions
No need to actually ‘downsize’ for ‘downsizer contributions’ Measure announced in 2017/18 Federal Budget aims to provide incentive for older Australians to ‘downsize’ their home. From 1 July 2018, individuals aged 65 or over may use the proceeds from the sale of an eligible dwelling that was their main residence to make superannuation contributions (referred to […]
Super rates and thresholds
New superannuation rates and thresholds released The ATO has published key super rates and thresholds for the 2018/19 income year. The Non-Concessional Contributions cap will remain at $100,000 (although transitional arrangements may apply), and the Concessional Contributions cap will remain at $25,000. The CGT cap amount will be $1,480,000. The Division 293 tax threshold will be […]
Re-weighting your risk
Portfolio re-weighting is an essential risk management process that every investor should use But what is portfolio re-weighting and why should you do it? What is ‘portfolio weighting’? Portfolio weighting describes the percentage of an investment in a portfolio – usually by asset class. For example, a typical balanced fund will have around a 60 […]
Meet Senior Financial Planner Daniel Morcombe
About Daniel Omnis Group’s Daniel Morcombe is an experienced financial planner and personal risk advisor who helps business owners, medical specialists and retirees to manage their often complex financial affairs to build and protect their wealth so they may enjoy a life of financial security and choice. Daniel’s clients share key characteristics; as business owners […]