ATO’s recordkeeping tips

Avoid penalties and reduce the possibility of expense claims being denied The ATO has reminded taxpayers that they should understand the record-keeping requirements for their business and keep accurate and complete records as they occur. This should help them avoid penalties that may apply and reduce the possibility of the ATO denying their expense claims. […]

Banking business income to a private account

Recordkeeping and monitoring business cash flow The ATO has stated that it has “no concerns” with business owners banking their business takings or other sales in private accounts, but that this may become an issue when this income isn’t reported. Therefore, the ATO notes that a good way to avoid this problem is to establish […]

Rental property income and deductions focus

Tax time focus on rental property income and deductions The ATO is focusing on four major concerns this tax season when it comes to rental properties. Concern 1: Include all rental income When preparing tax returns, make sure all rental income is included, such as from short-term rental arrangements, renting part of a home, and […]

Individual car expenses

ATO updates ‘cents per kilometre’ rate for individuals The ATO has updated the cents per kilometre rate relating to individual car expenses for the 2023 income year to 78 cents per business kilometre. The cents per kilometre method: uses a set rate for each kilometre travelled for business; allows taxpayers to claim a maximum of […]

ATO small business focus

ATO’s small business focus for 2022 income year The ATO announced that it will be focussing on the following matters for small business tax returns for the 2021/22 year: Deductions that are private in nature and not related to business income, as well as overclaiming of business expenses (especially for taxpayers running a home-based business). […]

2021/22 Individual Tax Return Checklist

Tax saving strategies prior to 1 July 2022 Your Checklist Claims for deductions Receipts for deductions Car claims and log books Please review the information below and contact our office if you need assistance. A strategy often used to reduce taxable income (and, in turn, tax payable) in an income year is to bring forward […]

ATO business support

ATO support for businesses in difficult times The ATO has reminded taxpayers that it has a range of support available for small businesses experiencing difficult situations, such as natural disasters, mental health challenges or financial hardship. Depending on the business taxpayer’s circumstances, the ATO may be able to: give the business extra time to pay […]

Managing business cash flow

The ATO has issued a reminder to businesses It asserts that paying regular attention to record-keeping and reporting tasks will help firms better manage their cash flow and allow them to plan for the future. The best way to make sure a business has enough cash available to meet its tax and other obligations is […]

Documenting gifts or loans from related overseas entities

Disguising undeclared foreign income as a gift or loan The ATO is currently reviewing certain arrangements where Australian taxpayers seek to disguise undeclared foreign income as a gift or loan. Genuine gifts or loans received from related overseas entities (including family members and friends) are sometimes used to fund businesses or to acquire income-producing assets. […]

Reminder for first-time share investors to declare income

Exchange Traded Funds (‘ETF’) investors With the growth of micro-investment platforms helping new investors enter the market, the ATO has issued a reminder for first-time share and Exchange Traded Funds (‘ETF’) investors. The ATO is concerned that first-time investors often do not understand their tax obligations in relation to reporting capital gains from the sale […]

Justin Flavel

Managing Director

Justin’s experience spans across 20 years in accounting, financial analysis and general business practice.

Although born and bred on the land, Justin’s interest was more in spreadsheets, ledgers, and finance which led him to attend university. In 1992, Justin graduated with a Bachelor of Business majoring in Accounting and Finance. As well as qualifying as a CPA member and becoming a Fellow of the Taxation Institute of Australia, he began gaining practical experience in small and mid-tier accounting practices.

During the late 90s, Justin decided to expand his horizons and travel through Europe. It was during this time that he seized the opportunity to expand his knowledge on the workings of large organisations by taking on roles in multinational corporations.

Today, Justin’s passion is in facilitating businesses to grow and evolve. His focus is on acting in the role of business mentor to help clients develop the full potential of their businesses. He joins clients on their unique journey, and provides the tools and knowledge they need along the way to make the right decisions.

Justin’s aim for his clients parallels his own philosophy and personal journey—focusing on his own career growth and business success while maintaining balance in his life with his wife and three daughters.

Omnis Group Managing Director - Justin Flavel