Discretionary trusts and corporate beneficiaries
Tax treatment of deemed dividends When a trustee of a trust makes a decision to create an entitlement to income of the trust in favour of a corporate beneficiary (i.e., a privately held company), certain steps need to be taken to ensure that if the entitlement to the distribution remains unpaid (that is, no cash […]
Rental property income and deductions focus
Tax time focus on rental property income and deductions The ATO is focusing on four major concerns this tax season when it comes to rental properties. Concern 1: Include all rental income When preparing tax returns, make sure all rental income is included, such as from short-term rental arrangements, renting part of a home, and […]
ATO small business focus
ATO’s small business focus for 2022 income year The ATO announced that it will be focussing on the following matters for small business tax returns for the 2021/22 year: Deductions that are private in nature and not related to business income, as well as overclaiming of business expenses (especially for taxpayers running a home-based business). […]
Decision in disclaiming interest in trust distribution
High Court rejects attempt to disclaim interest in trust distribution The High Court has rejected a taxpayer’s attempt to disclaim an interest in trust income that arose as a result of a default beneficiary clause being triggered. This decision is significant, because it backs the proposition that disclaimers of trust income cannot be effective if […]
2021/22 Individual Tax Return Checklist
Tax saving strategies prior to 1 July 2022 Your Checklist Claims for deductions Receipts for deductions Car claims and log books Please review the information below and contact our office if you need assistance. A strategy often used to reduce taxable income (and, in turn, tax payable) in an income year is to bring forward […]
2021/22 Year-end Checklist for Business
Small Business Entities Tax Checklist Traditionally, year-end tax planning for profitable small businesses is based around accelerating deductions and deferring income. Small Business Entities (‘SBEs’) – i.e. those with an aggregated turnover of less than $10 million – often have greater tax planning opportunities compared to other businesses, due to certain concessions generally only applying […]
Reminder of March 2022 Quarter SG
Reminder of March 2022 Quarter Superannuation Guarantee Employers are reminded that their SG obligation for the 1 January 2022 to 31 March 2022 quarter is due by 28 April 2022. An advance warning is also provided to employers that the compulsory 10% SG rate is going to increase to 10.5% from the period 1 July […]
2022/23 Federal Budget
Federal Budget Highlights In this summary: Personal income tax changes (please scroll down) Changes affecting business taxpayers Other Budget announcements 1. Personal income tax changes 1.1 Increase to low and middle income tax offset (‘LMITO’) The Government has announced a once-off $420 ‘cost of living tax offset’ for the 2022 income year, which will be […]
Managing business cash flow and income
Managing small business cash flow and income in 2022 It’s been a lean time for small businesses, and especially the families supporting them. Xero’s small business trends report shows that 60% of small business owners are worried about their household finances running low. So while 2022 will hopefully be a year of rebounding sales and […]
Payroll matters February 2022
Higher PAYG withholding rates continue to apply to backpackers As we recently communicated, the High Court has held that the ‘working holiday maker tax’ (also known as the ‘backpackers tax’) did not apply to a taxpayer on a working holiday visa from The United Kingdom who was also an Australian tax resident. This was due […]