Ageing and aged care in Australia
Receiving care in a residential aged care home In Australia, the government subsidises different types of aged care services to cater for older peoples’ needs and to support their carers – usually their family. This is a sensitive and complex area, and for more and more Australians is a decision they will need to make […]
Ageing and aged care
Ageing and aged care in Australia The number of people aged 65 and over in Australia is projected to more than double, to 8.8 million, over the next 40 years(1). This will undoubtedly increase the need for aged care in the community and put pressure on families and Government funding. Receiving help at home Initially, […]
Chief Financial Officer Program
Stressed by a lack of accurate financial information? Predicting the financial future of your business is not easy. Most businesses understand the need to price their products or services so they cover costs and make a profit. Understanding your business’s fixed and variable expenses is the first step in performing a break-even analysis. What sets […]
Positive business change
Knowing the actions that deliver the best results You need a core transformation strategy in place to effectively kick-start the evolution of your business. This means having a clear vision, setting the right goals, and taking positive action. To put the right impetus and drive behind this core strategy, you need to put some careful […]
Board of Advice Program
Project managing your future business needs As a business owner, your wealth and well-being are inextricably linked to your business. It is your source of income, your most important asset and, frequently, its sale will fund your retirement. At Omnis Group, we want to support your goals so you can retire financially secure by providing you […]
Perth dentist case study
Financial Planning expertise adds polish to Perth dentist’s affairs Shelley’s experience was like many others when it came to organising her personal affairs. She’d found a financial adviser with whom she worked well but, when he inevitably left for greener pastures, she was offered a litany of replacements that changed too frequently for her liking. […]
Omnis Group’s CFO Program
Sleep better at night knowing your numbers are right! A lack of accurate financial information is a major cause of stress and concern for business owners and their families. Appointing a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in your business is one way to fix this problem, but many small businesses can’t afford a full time, experienced […]
The Power of Business Intelligence
The power of business intelligence for business owners is just now being fully realised There’s a massive quantity of data in various systems, financial and non-financial, that’s now available via cloud software. Tools for accountants exist to harness that data, process it, capture it in a visual and useful way and present that in a […]
Smashing procrastination
6 tips to beat procrastination In the week where Australia Zoo celebrated Bindi Irwin’s 20th birthday (can you believe it?), we stumbled across an interview with Terri Irwin in which she described her late husband Steve (the Crocodile Hunter) as the opposite of a procrastinator. Terri spoke of his eagerness to do everything right now […]
Getting your business ready for a new Financial Year
The new financial year is a good time to pause and review How have the past twelve months gone for your business? It’s also a great time to look for ways to plan and forecast the coming months ahead. We’ve put together some guidance on how you can utilise Omnis Group to review the previous financial year […]