Tax issues for businesses that have received a support payment
Navigating Tax Implications for Government Support Grants What Business Owners Need to Know Taxpayers who have received a government support grant or payment recently to help their business recover from COVID-19 or a natural disaster should check if they need to include the payment in their assessable income. Grants are generally treated as assessable income, […]
More COVID-19 business grants are now tax-free
Federal Government expands tax-free status of more COVID-19 grant programs The Federal Government has expanded the list of State and Territory COVID-19 grant programs that may be tax-free to eligible businesses. A State or Territory Government COVID-19 grant payment will generally be tax-free if: the payment is received under a grant program that is formally […]
Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment reinstated
Pandemic Leave Disaster payment In recognition of the risks associated with more infectious new Covid-19 variants through the winter period, the Federal Government has agreed to reinstate the ‘Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment’ to 30 September 2022, which was otherwise set to end as of 30 June 2022. Eligibility for the payment will be backdated to […]
Re-contribution of COVID-19 early release super amounts
COVID-19 early release super amounts Individuals can now re-contribute amounts they withdrew under the COVID-19 early release of super program without the re-contribution counting towards their non-concessional contributions cap. These contributions can be made between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2030. Individuals can make COVID-19 re-contribution amounts to any fund of their choice where […]
Changes to superannuation regulations
Be aware of various new regulations and opportunities surrounding your superannuation New legislation regarding contribution requirements, visibility and guarantee eligibility is currently or soon to be effective. Reporting re-contributions of COVID-19 early super relief super amounts Self-managed super fund (SMSF) members can now re-contribute amounts they withdrew under the COVID-19 early release of super program […]
2022-2023 Budget Measures that are now law
Low and Middle Income Tax Offset A measure that will no doubt be beneficial for individual taxpayers is the increase in the Low and Middle Income Tax Offset (‘LMITO’) for the 2022 income year by $420. The LMITO is a tax offset that reduces an individual taxpayer’s tax liability. This means that the maximum amount […]
COVID-19 vaccination incentives and rewards
FBT consequences of providing non-cash benefits The ATO has reminded employers to consider their tax and super obligations when employees are provided with incentives or rewards for getting their COVID-19 vaccination. When employees are provided a cash payment, including paid leave for employees to get their COVID-19 vaccination (or additional paid leave to recover from […]
Changes to AGMs and e-communications
Permanent changes to AGMs and electronic communications The Government has introduced into Parliament a Bill to permanently allow companies to use technology to meet their regulatory requirements, and ensure that companies can continue to meet their obligations amid the uncertainty of the COVID‑19 pandemic. These reforms build on the recently renewed temporary relief, which we […]
Varying PAYG instalments due to COVID-19
Pay as you go (‘PAYG’) instalments Taxpayers can vary their pay as you go (‘PAYG’) instalments throughout the year if they think they will pay too much, compared with their estimated tax for the year. To assist taxpayers who continue to be affected by COVID-19, the ATO has stated that it will not apply penalties […]
Paid Parental Leave changes support parents in lockdown
Paid Parental Leave changes The Paid Parental Leave (‘PPL’) scheme has been amended to enable expectant parents whose work has been affected by COVID-19 lockdowns to access Parental Leave Pay or Dad and Partner Pay under the scheme. Many people who would otherwise have qualified for PPL, may no longer meet the ‘work test’ condition […]