Downsizer contributions age changes
Downsizer contributions age changes from 1 July 2022 From 1 July 2022, people aged 60 years and over became eligible to make downsizer contributions of up to $300,000 per person ($600,000 per couple) from the sale proceeds of their home into their super. For downsizer contributions made prior to 1 July 2022, eligible individuals must […]
Super Guarantee changes from July
Get ready for changes to super guarantee From 1 July 2022, two important super guarantee (SG) changes will apply to your business. These are: the rate of SG is increasing from 10% to 10.5% the $450 per month eligibility threshold for when SG is paid is being removed. What this means for you These changes […]
Re-contribution of COVID-19 early release super amounts
COVID-19 early release super amounts Individuals can now re-contribute amounts they withdrew under the COVID-19 early release of super program without the re-contribution counting towards their non-concessional contributions cap. These contributions can be made between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2030. Individuals can make COVID-19 re-contribution amounts to any fund of their choice where […]
Changes to superannuation regulations
Be aware of various new regulations and opportunities surrounding your superannuation New legislation regarding contribution requirements, visibility and guarantee eligibility is currently or soon to be effective. Reporting re-contributions of COVID-19 early super relief super amounts Self-managed super fund (SMSF) members can now re-contribute amounts they withdrew under the COVID-19 early release of super program […]
SG obligations for September 2021 quarter
Reminder of SG obligations for September 2021 quarter Under the Superannuation Guarantee (‘SG’) scheme, employers are required to make quarterly contributions on behalf of their employees. From 1 July 2021, the minimum contribution required is 10% (up from 9.5%) of an employee’s Ordinary Time Earnings base, up to a maximum quarterly contribution base of $58,920 […]
Business tax update October 2021
Extending administrative relief for companies to use technology The Government has passed legislation renewing the temporary relief that allows companies to use technology to meet regulatory requirements under the Corporations Act 2001. These temporary relief measures will allow companies to hold virtual meetings and use electronic communications to send meeting materials and execute documents until […]
Superannuation caps indexation for 2022
Reminder of superannuation caps indexation for 2022 From 1 July 2021, the superannuation contributions caps have been indexed for the 2022 income year. The new concessional contributions cap for the 2022 financial year is now $27,500 (increased from $25,000). The new non-concessional (i.e., non-deductible) contributions cap for the 2022 financial year is now $110,000 or […]
Super guarantee contribution due
Super guarantee contribution due date for June 2021 quarter The due date for employers to make super guarantee contributions for their employees for the June 2021 quarter is 28 July 2021. Note that the super guarantee rate in relation to salary and wages paid on or before 30 June 2021 is 9.5%, but the super […]
2021/22 Federal Budget
Omnis Group Federal Budget Summary 2021/22 Key points covered by this summary: Personal income tax changes Changes affecting business taxpayers Superannuation related changes 1. Personal income tax changes 1.1 Retaining the Low and Middle Income Tax Offset (‘LMITO’) for the 2022 income year The Government has announced that it will retain the LMITO for one […]
No SG obligation on JobKeeper payments where work is not performed
Regulations confirm no SG obligation on JobKeeper payments where work is not performed The federal government has registered the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment (JobKeeper) Payment Regulations 2020. These regulations ensure that amounts of salary or wages that do not relate to the performance of work and are only paid to an employee to satisfy the […]