Driver-based forecasting
Connect the Dots from Driver to Success Build accurate, responsive forecasts using key business drivers It’s easy to build forecasts based on key business drivers if you know how. We help you to choose the inputs that drive your business activity – from price and quantity, through to billable hours, head-count or even days worked. […]
Legal practice management case study
Boutique law firm benefits from Omnis advice Perth’s Glen McLeod Legal is a planning and environmental law practice that provides authoritative and strategic advice and conducts significant litigation for clients in the Supreme Court, Magistrates Court, State Administrative Tribunal and commercial arbitration. Their highly specialised team provides legal advice on planning and environmental law, in […]
Board of Advice Program
Project managing your future business needs As a business owner, your wealth and well-being are inextricably linked to your business. It is your source of income, your most important asset and, frequently, its sale will fund your retirement. At Omnis Group, we want to support your goals so you can retire financially secure by providing you […]
Better Business Program
Are business concerns worrying you? If you are feeling uneasy about how your business is running, it’s important to pinpoint the reasons and get help to fix them so you can focus on growing your business. Omnis Group’s Better Business Program is a flexible, informative and practical service designed to help business owners identify where […]
Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising
Crowd Sourced Funding launches 19 October 2018 Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising for small proprietary companies is now available in Australia without requiring a proprietary company to convert to an unlisted public company. The UK, Europe, USA, Canada and New Zealand have been allowing their private companies to utilise crowd source funding equity raising for […]
Omnis Group’s CFO Program
Sleep better at night knowing your numbers are right! A lack of accurate financial information is a major cause of stress and concern for business owners and their families. Appointing a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in your business is one way to fix this problem, but many small businesses can’t afford a full time, experienced […]
Measuring customer satisfaction
Differentiate your business by the way you treat and serve your customers Happy customers are much more likely to stay with your business long-term, and they’re also likely to provide you with referrals – one of your best methods of acquisition. This makes knowing the satisfaction of your customers pivotal if you have ambitions to grow. While there is […]
14 Key Performance Indicators that matter
Identifying what to watch 14 Key Performance Indicators that matter As a business owner, it is your responsibility to pay attention to every detail of the business. From employee satisfaction to growth indicators, you need to be on top of how your company is performing at every turn. That’s why 14 entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) were […]
Big business growth strategies for your SME
Do you want to grow your business to be big one day? If so check out these 5 top tips to grow your business. 1. Market segmentation/ Targeting Market segmentation or targeting is simply picking a specific group of customers to focus your sales and marketing activity on. This also means you […]