Lifestyle assets continue to be an ATO audit target
Lifestyle assets targeted The ATO has revealed it will request a further five years’ worth of policy information from over 30 insurance companies about taxpayers who own marine vessels, thoroughbred horses, fine art, high-value motor vehicles and aircraft. The ATO expects to receive information about assets owned by around 350,000 taxpayers from 2016 to 2020 […]
ATO cash economy
Continued focus on the cash economy ATO Assistant Commissioner Peter Holt has announced that, in the 2019/20 financial year, the ATO will be visiting a further 10,000 small businesses across the country. He further said that businesses that advertise as ‘cash only’ and businesses that are operating outside of the ATO’s performance benchmarks for their […]
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook
MYEFO report Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (‘MYEFO’) report recently released. It indicates that the underlying Budget deficit is expected to be $5.2 billion in 2019 (down from the $14.5 billion deficit estimated in the 2018/19 Federal Budget). The substantial deficit reduction is reportedly a result of increased tax collections, with individual tax collections up […]
Xero case study
Transposition error gets bookkeeper the snip Eve runs a successful hair salon in The Hills and has a friendly, professional manner that all her devoted clients love. She is also a conscientious business owner and knows how easily the books can get on top of her, which is why she appointed an external bookkeeper from get-go. This […]