Capital gains tax on the sales of shares or units

When you sell or dispose of shares or units you may make a capital gain or capital loss. This will depend on when you bought or acquired the shares or units.

If you bought the shares or units:

Calculating CGT on the sale of your shares or units

A capital gain or loss is the difference between your cost base and capital proceeds:

Cost base

When buying or selling shares or units you need to work out your cost base. The elements of the cost base relating to shares or units are generally:

Capital proceeds

The amount you receive or the market value of what you should have received when you dispose of your shares or units.

Share parcels

A parcel of shares is a distinct number of shares that you own. You can buy different parcels of shares in the same company at different times.

Each parcel of shares that you own added together make up your ‘holding’ or equity in the stock of that company. For example, you may buy 2 parcels of 500 AZY shares at different times. You have a total of 1,000 AZY shares in your portfolio, made up of 2 parcels.

Parcel selection methods

Shares can be described as ‘fungible’ because one share is identical to and interchangeable with any other share.

As one share is functionally identical to all others of the same share class in that company, it is difficult to identify which shares were disposed of. The shares that are disposed of need to be identified to work out the cost base when calculating CGT.

There are 3 common ordering methods for parcel allocation when calculating CGT on shares:

A different method of parcel selection may be applied for each parcel of shares sold. Most people use FIFO because it is the easiest to keep track of, however you can choose any of these 3 methods.

Capital losses

It is important to report all capital losses in your tax return, so they carry forward and can be applied against future capital gains.

You can only claim a loss for shares or units you have disposed of. You can’t claim a ‘paper loss’ on investments you continue to hold because they may have decreased in value.

If you make a capital loss from the sale of your shares or units, the loss:

You can also make a capital loss on your shareholding when an administrator or liquidator makes a written declaration that a company’s shares are worthless.

Working out your net capital gain

There are 3 methods for working out your net capital gain. If eligible for more than one of the calculation methods, you can choose the method that gives you the best result. This is the method that gives you the smallest capital gain.

The 3 methods are:

  1. Discount method – reduce your capital gain by 50% for resident individuals where the asset was held for 12 months or more before the CGT event.
  2. Indexation method – increase the cost base by applying an indexation factor based on the consumer price index (CPI). This method is only available for assets bought at or before 11:45 am (legal time in the Australian Capital Territory) on 21 September 1999 and held for 12 months or more before the relevant CGT event.
  3. The ‘other’ method – subtract the cost base from the capital proceeds if the asset was owned for less than 12 months. In this case, the indexation and discount methods don’t apply.

To help you work out your calculation, use the CGT calculator and record keeping tool.

Timing of a CGT event

The timing of a CGT event is important because it determines the income year you report your capital gain or capital loss in.

Disposing of shares or units

You can dispose of your shares or units:

Disposal of shares or units includes the sale, exchange or gifting of all or part of a share or unit. Before selling your shares or units, ensure you identify the correct date of disposal.

Scrip for Scrip rollover relief enables a shareholder to disregard a capital gain made from a share that is disposed of as part of a corporate take-over or merger if the shareholder receives a replacement share in exchange. However, scrip for scrip rollover is only available when the original and replacement interests being exchanged are of the same type. If you are eligible for the roll over, make sure you include the scrip for scrip roll over in the CGT section of your tax return when you lodge.

Disposing of inherited shares

When you sell shares or units you inherit, the normal rules for calculating CGT apply.

Depending on the circumstances, the cost base and acquisition date may be based on either:

If the deceased acquired the asset:

Record keeping

You need to keep records of all your transactions associated with acquiring, holding and disposing of your shares or units. Records may include:

Records are generally required to be held for at least 5 years after the disposal of the shares or units (or year in which you declare a capital gain). If you make a capital loss, once you’ve offset the carried forward loss against a capital gain, you should keep your records for a further 2 years.

Foreign and temporary residents

Foreign and temporary residents are only subject to CGT if a CGT event happens to a CGT asset that is taxable Australian property.

Shares in widely held, publicly listed companies aren’t generally considered to be taxable Australian property. Therefore, shares that are purchased and sold by a foreign or temporary resident (even if on the Australian stock exchange) are not liable for CGT, as shares are not Australian taxable property.

If you cease to be a temporary resident but remain an Australian resident (for example, becomes a permanent resident or citizen), you are taken to have acquired the shares (excluding pre-CGT shares) for their market value at the time you ceased being a temporary resident.

Temporary residents:

The Social Security Act 1991 defines an ‘Australian resident’ as a person who resides in Australia and is an Australian citizen or the holder of a permanent visa. A person with a protected special category visa and who was in Australia on or before 26 February 2001 is also considered an Australian resident for the purposes of the Act. This is different to the standards used to determine tax residency.

Anyone who is an Australian resident for tax purposes on or after 6 April 2006 but isn’t a temporary resident can’t later become a temporary resident, even if they later hold a temporary visa.

To access or download a copy of this information in factsheet format (PDF) see Capital gains tax on the sale of shares and units. For specific advice around Capital gains tax on the sales of shares and units, contact Omnis Group in West Perth on 08 9380 3555.

Source: ATO

Justin Flavel

Managing Director

Justin’s experience spans across 20 years in accounting, financial analysis and general business practice.

Although born and bred on the land, Justin’s interest was more in spreadsheets, ledgers, and finance which led him to attend university. In 1992, Justin graduated with a Bachelor of Business majoring in Accounting and Finance. As well as qualifying as a CPA member and becoming a Fellow of the Taxation Institute of Australia, he began gaining practical experience in small and mid-tier accounting practices.

During the late 90s, Justin decided to expand his horizons and travel through Europe. It was during this time that he seized the opportunity to expand his knowledge on the workings of large organisations by taking on roles in multinational corporations.

Today, Justin’s passion is in facilitating businesses to grow and evolve. His focus is on acting in the role of business mentor to help clients develop the full potential of their businesses. He joins clients on their unique journey, and provides the tools and knowledge they need along the way to make the right decisions.

Justin’s aim for his clients parallels his own philosophy and personal journey—focusing on his own career growth and business success while maintaining balance in his life with his wife and three daughters.

Omnis Group Managing Director - Justin Flavel