Board of Advice Program
Project managing your future business needs As a business owner, your wealth and well-being are inextricably linked to your business. It is your source of income, your most important asset and, frequently, its sale will fund your retirement. At Omnis Group, we want to support your goals so you can retire financially secure by providing you […]
Better Business Program
Are business concerns worrying you? If you are feeling uneasy about how your business is running, it’s important to pinpoint the reasons and get help to fix them so you can focus on growing your business. Omnis Group’s Better Business Program is a flexible, informative and practical service designed to help business owners identify where […]
Illegal phoenix activity
Legislation to combat illegal phoenix activity The Government has announced a package of reforms to tackle illegal phoenix behaviour. By way of background, phoenixing occurs when the controllers of a company strip the company’s assets and transfer them to another company, to avoid paying the original company’s debts. The proposed measures will deter and disrupt […]
Effective cash flow forecasting
Actuals vs forecast and comparing ‘what if’ scenarios A forecast helping you understand where your business is heading so you can move toward your objectives with success. But if you don’t compare your progress against your original plan you could end up way off course with a potentially bad outcome. Using comparisons within your cash […]
Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising
Crowd Sourced Funding launches 19 October 2018 Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising for small proprietary companies is now available in Australia without requiring a proprietary company to convert to an unlisted public company. The UK, Europe, USA, Canada and New Zealand have been allowing their private companies to utilise crowd source funding equity raising for […]
Omnis Group’s CFO Program
Sleep better at night knowing your numbers are right! A lack of accurate financial information is a major cause of stress and concern for business owners and their families. Appointing a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in your business is one way to fix this problem, but many small businesses can’t afford a full time, experienced […]
Omnis Group health industry case study
Health professionals case study Despite working with advisors who purported to be medical industry experts, by the time Registered Nurse Elle and her Specialist husband were introduced to Justin and Daniel at Omnis Group, they were desperate for useful advice and practical assistance to enable them to effectively manage their successful medical practice, and the […]
The Power of Business Intelligence
The power of business intelligence for business owners is just now being fully realised There’s a massive quantity of data in various systems, financial and non-financial, that’s now available via cloud software. Tools for accountants exist to harness that data, process it, capture it in a visual and useful way and present that in a […]
Smashing procrastination
6 tips to beat procrastination In the week where Australia Zoo celebrated Bindi Irwin’s 20th birthday (can you believe it?), we stumbled across an interview with Terri Irwin in which she described her late husband Steve (the Crocodile Hunter) as the opposite of a procrastinator. Terri spoke of his eagerness to do everything right now […]
Improving business performance
10 ways to improve business performance Here are ten ways to make sure that you operate with purpose, vision and courage. You can super-charge your business and improve the performance of it! 1. ELIMINATE DISTRACTIONS Time is the scarcest resource and biggest killer of most businesses. Owners get distracted and focus too much time and energy […]