How to Take Control of Cash Flow in a Crisis
You’re adding up the business’s numbers one afternoon and suddenly you spot it – the books clearly show that you’re already in the middle of a cash flow crisis. Have you been misled by your profit margins this whole time? More importantly, how does your business survive the next couple of weeks with less funds […]
Quick Tips for Increasing Cash Inflow
Part of making every dollar work for you is making sure you’re investing them into the best income-generating practices. It doesn’t make sense just to keep squirrelling money, sometime investing money back into your business through systems etc is the best way to generate more income for the business. Position your business for growth […]
Make Every Dollar Count in Your Startup or SME
For businesses on a budget, it’s not always best to be safeguarding money and never touching it. It’s about stretching your funds to cover day-to-day operations and getting each dollar to work for you. What’s different between successful businesses and ones that fail is that successful ones work around their budget for as long […]
Budget Breakdown: How to Prepare a Cash Budget
When making a cash flow forecast, it’s essential to be able to visualise actual figures for inflows and outflows of cash in your business. A cash budget does exactly this by creating a breakdown of your business’s expected cash activity. You can follow these steps to learn how to make one: Create a […]
4 Ways to Manage Business Using Cash Flow Forecasts
It’s not uncommon for small businesses to experience cash flow problems. Some owners are unable to match the timing of their cash inflows and outflows, resulting in shortages of funds. The trick is to try to think ahead and figure out when these problems are most likely to occur, this will allow your to […]
The Importance of Cash Flow in Business
Is it possible to show profit on paper but still not have enough to run your small business? The answer is yes. The promise of profits on paper is no guarantee that your business is holding a sufficient amount of cash for day-to-day operations. On the other hand, receiving steady amounts of cash throughout […]
What you need to know about Fringe Benefits Tax
FBT season is upon us! Fringe benefits tax (FBT) is a tax employers pay on certain benefits they provide to their employees, including their employees’ family or other associates. The benefit may be in addition to, or part of, their salary or wages package. If you are a director of a company or trust, benefits […]
The Four D’s of Time Management
Time management skills are increasingly important in a world where people rush headlong from one crisis to another. Add in the effect of social media and addictive computer games that can be accessed from anywhere at any time and it’s no wonder that some people struggle to fit everything into their days. If you’re […]
A Business Owner’s Guide to Enjoying a Stress-free Holiday
As a small business owner it’s important to take time away from work. But worrying about whether your staff are meeting deadlines and suppliers are happy translates to even more stress. This can take away all the fun you should be having while on holiday. With a little staff communication and planning beforehand, you […]
Work-Life Balance: The Key to Better Business Management
As a small business owner it’s hard to juggle your work and outside responsibilities. You have to ensure that your business is running effectively while still having a life outside the office. Remember that you still need a good balance between work and play for your health and well-being. Small business owners often don’t […]